Deutsch / Română
German State Theatre Timișoara

Niky Wolcz (a.G.)

Niky Wolcz comes from Timişoara. In Romania he was a theatre actor (for the German State Theatre Timişoara, Jewish State Theatre, etc.) and a film actor (in "Reconstituirea", directed by Lucian Pintilie). In 1975 he emigrated to Germany. Apart from acting, he directed many theatre performances in Bochum, Frankfurt, Essen and also opera shows in Freiburg, Ulm, Frankfurt, etc. He taught acting and music at the universities of Frankfurt, München, Gießen and the Freie Universität Berlin. As a film director and actor he worked several times with the German television network ZDF (Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen) and the German radio station SWF (Südwestrundfunk).

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