A production of the German State Theatre Timișoara & Hungarian State Theatre "Csiky Gergely" Timișoara –– Directed by Silviu Purcărete
The show Moliendo Café was born out of the
improvisation of the actors who performed under the artistic guidance of
director Silviu
Purcărete and whose theme is coffee and the world of flavours and sensations
which it evokes. "Coffee and theatre are two absolute and indispensable perks –
which means that they have no real use, but everybody uses them", says the
director. The scenes were created by the combined groups of the GSTT and Csiky Gergely Hungarian State Theatre.
In order to go beyond the barriers of verbal communication, the show uses body
language as the main means of expression.
A performance by:
Aszalos Géza, Baczó Tünde, Balázs Attila, Isa Berger, Enikő Blénessy, Dana Borteanu, Bandi András Zsolt, Borbély B. Emília, Aljoscha Cobeţ, Isolde Cobeţ, Csata Zsolt, Éder Enikő, Richard Hladik, Rareş Hontzu, Ioana Iacob, Franz Kattesch, Kiss Attila, Kocsárdi Levente, Lőrincz Rita, Magyari Etelka, Mátray László, Mátyás Zsolt Imre, Molnár Bence, Molnos András Csaba, Horia Săvescu, Tatiana Sessler, Simó Emese, Tokai Andrea, Tar Mónika, Daniela Török, Silvia Török, Oana Vidoni, Radu Vulpe, Anne-Marie Waldeck, Harald Weisz.
"A world of flavours that draws into reverie and fantasy, reminiscent of
certain places and times on the vertical and horizontal axis of
civilization, evokes moods, behaviours, important human situations, even
recovering certain formulas from the huge arsenal of the great creator
that is Silviu Purcărete, this remarkable stage wizard. The playful
spirit at its best, spiritualized and refined, developed on a delightful
and sinuous scale, makes the supporting structure of this show, in
which the director has brought together, in the creative process,
designer Dragoş Buhagiar and composer Vasile Şirli."
"To pay homage to coffee in a space like a café, you have to draw
inspiration from different cultures. This is what those involved in this
show have done: they immerse you in the atmosphere of Parisian cafés,
on Saint Germain des Prés, for example, for as Vasile Şirli said, he
made "a shortcut between Brigitte Bardot, Paris and the era of the 50s
and 60s", listing songs titles of BB, titles that represent the text in
French sung by the actors in the show; they immerse you in the famous
"Pushkin" cafés –by singing a wonderful romance by Dunaievski– or in
those of Argentina ... There's also a quote from "Moliendo Café", there
are references to "And Then There Were None"–naturally with the
respective music – and there is original music..."
„Cei 36 de interpreți din trupele germană și maghiară ale teatrelor
timișorene [...] mi-au dat încă o dată sentimentul unei contagioase
bucurii a jocului și a libertății binevenite în asimilarea ludicului,
exprimate prin mișcare, fizionomie, atitudine și gest, prin
expresivitate corporală și prin picturalitatea unor scene sau a câte
unui stop-cadru – calități manifestate cu valoare programatică în multe
dintre spectacolele lui Silviu Purcărete.”