Deutsch / Română
German State Theatre Timișoara

A Respectable Wedding

by Bertolt Brecht
Directed by: Alexandru Dabija

Brecht wrote "A Respectable Wedding" (the German original title literally means "The Petit Bourgeois Wedding") in 1919 at the age of only 21 years. In a comical way the play shows the abyss of petit bourgeois babbittry: the bridal couple, the bride's father and sister, the groom's mother and some friends meet at a wedding party. This party turns more and more into a disaster. The guests behave inappropriately, interrupting each other, treating each other with hostility or making vulgar allusions. As if this was not enough, the groom's pride and joy, all of his home-made furniture, literally breaks down. In the end, they say: "Thank God and the Devil, that they finally left!"

Premiere: April 30, 2013, 7:30 p.m.
Duration: 01:30


The Bride's Father
Rareș Hontzu

The Groom's Mother
Dana Borteanu

The Bride
Silvia Török

Her Sister
Olga Török

The Groom
Franz Kattesch

His Friend
Georg Peetz (a. G.)

The Woman
Ioana Iacob

Her Husband
Radu Vulpe

The Young Man
Konstantin Keidel (a. G.)

With the participation of
Patrick Cionac
Set and costumes
Dragoș Buhagiar (a. G.)

Stage speech
Luise Gebauer

Stage direction
Alexandru Dabija

Valerie Seufert (a.G.)

Florin Fieroiu


Technical direction
Adrian Muntean

Light Design
Botond Nosz (a. G.)

Assistant scenographer
Ioana Popescu

Assistant director
Daniela Török

Press excerpts


