A tragic-comic-historical pastoral after William Shakespeare, by Lia Bugnar
Directed by Radu-Alexandru Nica
The directing approach is based on Radu-Alexandru Nica's idea of creating a show focused on the concept of power, as depicted in so many ways in William Shakespeare's plays, the elements specific to the contemporary movement theatre having an important role in the construction of this performance. Thus, the theatrical version of Lia Bugnar brought on stage a show whose unity is not altered by resorting to so many different sources from the author's creation, in a complex scenograpy conceived by Dragoş Buhagiar. The pretext of the action is provided by the theatre-within-theatre scene in the play Hamlet, in which the guest actors recite this time excerpts from the great Will's plays.
"Although made of a collage of scenes (skilfully put together, both as
narration and atmosphere, by playwright Lia Bugnar), the show is not a
grotesque and mandatorily amusing fast-forward, like the satires at
"Ţăndărică" by Pepino (see Play Shakespeare or Candid). Radu Nica's
approach is more sombre; he focuses on the word, on the unpredictable
beauty of the Shakespearian phrase and, thus, on the beauty of the stage
play that utters it. [...]
It's so beautiful, from an acting perspective, and so disciplined in the control of the on stage relationships, in the precision of mimics, of gestures, of voice, in the variety of body language and in the ease of changing tonality/stature/demeanour, that is impossible not to admit that the actors are superb here. All of them. It is a cast that deserves more reviews: Peter Papakostidis, Radu Vulpe, Dirk Linke, Rareş Hontzu, Ioana Iacob / Daniela Török, Ida Jarcsek-Gaza, Alex Halka, Boris Gaza."